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Shared Harvesting Services(sm)

Now that you have made progress in growing your business community, it is time to harvest the business and financial blessings that can now be seen and measured.

Harvesting The Business Blessings
Here are some of the services we provide:

Harvesting The Financial Blessings

Harvesting the financial blessings (which should be a byproduct of having a healthy community) can best be achieved by using our Financial Harvesting® @ Work Blueprint.  In order to do this you will need to outsource your financial operations to a CPA firm that licenses our proprietary Financial Harvesting® @ Work System.  Some of our Harvesting services include the following: 

Why don't you put the power of love to work in your small business and see the impact our Love@Work® Community Leadership System has on your small business.

Would you build a home before hiring a Building Architect to produce a set of design blueprints for you? Of course not.

Then why are you trying to build 
a business before hiring a Business Architect to produce a set of design blueprints for you?

Community Harvest®
Helping You Share The Burdens & Blessings Of Y(our) Harvest(sm)

221 Main Street, #547
Los Altos, California 94023